Business Update following H1 results
August 27 202415:00 - 16:00 (CET)EN
ENDr. Günther Ofner (CFO) will provide insights in the company's recently published H1 results and is available to answer questions.
About Flughafen Wien AG
Flughafen Wien AG is a renowned airport in Europe that offers a comprehensive range of services, including airport operations, baggage delivery, security services, infrastructure and commercial activities. The group comprises the three airports of Vienna, Malta and Kosice as well as the Austrian airport of Bad Vöslau. The three international airports of Vienna, Malta and Kosice recorded a total of 38.0 million passengers in 2023 (2022: 30.1 million passengers). Vienna Airport was frequented by 31.7 million passengers in the record year 2019 before the outbreak of the Covid pandemic (2023: 29.5 million). This puts Vienna in 17th place among European airports in terms of passenger numbers. The focus of connections served from Vienna is on inner-European routes (approx. 85% of total passengers). Vienna Airport serves as an important hub to destinations in Central and Eastern Europe. Attractive long-haul connections round off the profile. Vienna Airport benefits in particular from its large catchment area, which includes Austria as well as parts of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Vienna Airport is one of six Lufthansa hubs alongside Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Düsseldorf and Zurich. Last year, the home carrier Austrian Airlines achieved a market share of 47%, while the whole Lufthansa-group accounts for a little more than 51% of passengers.
Flughafen Wien AG
€0.40 (0.75%)
€60.00 / 11.94%
Market Cap
€4.50 B
Last Update
20 Jan 25